JAAAS Issue #4 Out
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Issue #4 of JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies has been published!
Here's the table of contents of the issue, which centers on "mediating mountains" and which was guest-edited by Eva-Maria Müller and Christian Quendler:
Birgit Capelle, "Mountains and Waters of No-Mind: A Transcultural Approach to Moments of Heightened Awareness and Non-Substantialist Ontology in Henry David Thoreau, Jack Kerouac, and Gary Snyder"
Heinz Tschachler, "More than a Feeling: Why the Lewis and Clark Expedition Did not Experience 'the Sublime' at the Great Divide when Crossing the American Continent"
Michael Wedekind, "Mountain Grand Hotels at the Fin de Siécle: Sites, Gazes, and Environments"
Benita Lehmann, "Jennifer Peedom's Mountain as a City Symphony"
Sascha Pöhlmann, "Thereness: Video Game Mountains as Limits of Interactivity"
Mark Nunes, "Becoming-Data, Becoming-Mountain: Affordances, Assemblages, and the Transversal Interface"
Danielle Raad, "PearlAnn Reichwein and Karen Wall: Uplift: Visual Culture at the Banff School of Fine Arts (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020)"Eva-Maria Müller, "Caroline Schaumann: Peak Pursuits: The Emergence of Mountaineering in the Nineteenth Century (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020)"
Peter Hansen, "Julie Rak: False Summit: Gender in Mountaineering Nonfiction (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2021)"
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